As I sip a Sunday morning latte along withSunday's roundtable: Becerra, Murphy, Dionne, Noonanon Meet the Press, and Facebook with Audrey Chernoff, Laurie Ruettimann and Michael VanDervort about the Occupy Wall Street movement, I'm thinking about We the People as an employer. Flashes of news stories over the past several monthscovering candidates for the soon to be open position of President come to mind and I begin to analyze how we stack up as sourcers, recruiters, panel interviewers and the board of our CEO.

Scrutinization of Gender, race, weight and physical attractiveness, religion.... things that we as citizen job seekers enjoy EEOC discriminatory protection from - assuming things go as they are mandated to. Yet, we seem to revel in participating in a movement completely contrary to the same guarantees of freedom we enjoy.

It's a good thing that as workers we have laws enforced by EEOCand at the same time I'm saddened by the fact that we need them. And I'm abhorred that We the People do not lead by example in our election of our leader.

That's all for today, I am on my way to march in The Buddy Walk and the Suicide Prevention Walk. It's cold and rainy in NEPA today, but sitting home by the cozy fireplace won't change a thing.

If you are making a difference today I want to hear about it in comments.

P.S. Yes, this is my fireplace in the pic.


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