Regardless of which end of the search you are on - the nextKilimanjaro is mobile. It can be a full-time job just keeping up with it, a la 1,340,000 'technology news' hits on Google.

To get up to speed, for recruiters and HR professional there is a dedicated niche event September 30 in San Franciso put together by Michael Marlatt:

mRecruitingcamp: The Mobile Recruiting Conference

mRecruitingcamp is an innovative, one of a kind mobile conference being held exclusively for HR personnel, employers, executives and recruiting professionals alike who want to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to finding the very best talent. The conference will feature many of today's leading, most talented mobile innovators, thought-leaders, and recruiting practitioners from around the globe.

Coming September 30th, 2011, mRecruitingcamp will make its industry changing debut as the worlds first comprehensive mobile recruiting conference for the HR and recruiting industry. mRecruitingcamp will offer two tracks and explore in-depth how employers are innovating through mobile to engage and attract today's workforce.

For innovations in general,The14th Annual HR TechnologyConference & Expo is October 3-5in Las Vegas. If HR technology is your executive responsibility, your actual job or currently your headache hopefully you'll be there. And even if youre an HR generalist but realize you need to understand more to advance your career hopefully you'll be there too.

If you are in the area, like to drive long distances or can get a last minute plane ticket you can register here.

Kyle Lagunas, HR Analyst at recently wrote an excellent piece onthe buzz about social and mobile recruiting. He points to the plethora of mobile apps and tools emerging for recruiters on the go, and how not a convention goes by without 10,000 references to how important social media is becoming. In his post, Kyle takes a look at if these trends are just buzz or if they will become a permanent part of every recruiters toolbox. Check out his recommendation for 5 useful apps and comments from Geoff Peterson - good stuff!

Over the past year I worked withJob Roosterto bring mobile recruitment and job search to northeastern PA through Nick Ellis is one forward thinking progressive guy who really gets it. His goal is to put jobs in the hands of everyone through the device that never leaves their side - literally.

P.S.I had planned on attending mRecruitingCamp andI am disappointedto say that due to several recent localcommitments like ChalkFest and The Buddy Walk - which are very important to my community, the timing just doesn't work for me. Sometimes,somethinghas to give. It's impossible to be in all places at all times and that requires tough decisions... That's the case here, my allegiance to my community rules.

P.S.S. Shout out to NEPABlogsfor featuring on their weekly WBRE-TV PA Live segment. You guys rock!


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