To nonprofits, today of all days is one of hope that our mission and work will be recognized, deemed important - no scratch that, deemed vital, so much so that you will be compelled to give from the bottom of your heart in support. Today is #GivingTuesday.

I am so fortunate to have found an opportunity at The Arc of Luzerne County, with a small crew of talented and devoted team members and business partners, all working toward the same goal - to improve the quality of life of children and adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their families through advocacy, resources, and community education.

In the TRACE program, we help young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) prepare for employment, as a stepping stone to reaching the same goals and dreams we all have in common.

The Transition to Community Employment Program (TRACE) is a one-year work readiness program, developed inhouse and delivered at a local community college. The curriculum is focused on structured employment preparation including customized life and employability skills training, career exploration and mentoring, a two semester supervised work experience opportunity related to aptitudes, career goals and skill development of the individual, and work/life balance programming in the community.

The purpose of the program is to successfully transition individuals with I/DD, which includes autism spectrum disorders (ASD), who want to work, from day programs, sheltered work environments, schools and common home and institutional activities to the modern demands of today’s results-oriented workplace where customers, clients, and performance drive the bottom line.

I'm excited to share this #GivingTuesday video featuring TRACE students sharing excerpts from the 21 day gratitude journal project they completed this semester in Work Life Balance class. Enjoy the video - and if you are moved to do so, please give from your heart to support the work we do to help those we serve to improve the quality of their lives.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you - Karla



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