I run a monthly HR Forum for practitioners from the over 1,100 Chamber member businesses I work with. Each month, I facilitate the discussion of a topic we sit around the boardroom table to discuss from our own perspectives. The result is idea exchange and best practices sharing. I have never posted about it before but this year I am going to use each meeting as a topic post.

Yesterday, at our first monthly forum of the year, the topic was increasing HR's value proposition. My findings were that the role of each of these practitioners, while sharing fundamental similarities, had palpable and unique differences in regard to organizational leadership, the ability to influence and participation in strategic initiatives. I walked away clearly convinced that it was the individual's own perception of what their role was and what they were willing to (or driven to) or not to become involved with or lead. I say this because when I asked questions like "Why aren't you involved at that level?" some responded, "that's not my area" or "I have enough to do". Others said they hadn't thought of it before but were going back to the office with new strategies in mind.

The individual career objectives of a practitioner directly impact the organization significantly. Those who choose to lead and mold their role and career can achieve amazing things. Those who choose to continue working with a siloed approach and are not looking for the challenge and accountability of an organizational leadership role will continue on as they always have. I believe eventually business and industry will necessitate the evolution of the role of the practitioner. In the future, perhaps those that prefer a more administrative function will choose to be employed with companies outsourced to perform those administrative functions.

What will you do to stretch and grow your role this year, or are you satisfied to leave well enough alone?


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