A friend of mine who owns a consulting company tagged me on his Facebook post last night to bring an interesting real life story to my attention.
This entrepreneur is always interested in speaking with qualified candidates with 10+ years working in the marketing or advancement field looking for a career in consulting. He recently received an inquiry letter from an individual with insufficient experience to be considered for a position with his consulting firm. However, being the considerate person that he is he did not just disregard the inquiry, he took the time to respond in a kind manner and say that he would be happy to forward the rsum to others who may be looking for a marketing associate.
He received a reply so interesting and colorful he thought I might consider writing about it.
Well I should have known better than to apply for this job. You're obviously a rich CEO who probably has minions you treat like shit do all your stuff and have no perspective on the current economy. You're right that I don't have any experience in the areas you're working on because I am a Penn State Graduate who works in customer service. How the fuck am I supposed to get marketing experience it if nobody will hire me so I can learn? This is the problem with corporate america.
This type of impulsive rant cannot possibly have a positive outcome of any kind. Even if it temporarily made the job seeker feel better, in the long run s(he) loses. That rsum isn't going to hit anyone's inbox now, and won't be able to see the outside of a virtual trash can until it's released from its painful existence into a cosmic wormhole.
Live and learn, and like my friend said, "If you are going to rant about corporate America, at least capitalize the 'A'."
To my readers involved in the candidate selection and hiring process, what advice do you have for job seekers regarding follow-up communication and attitude?
P.S. Thanks for thinking of me JD!
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